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CSS Variables

This package provides utilities to help developers automate component CSS variables management. Similar to the Telegram SDK, @tma.js/sdk allows developers to set global CSS variables connected to specific components.


The bindViewportCSSVars function accepts a Viewport instance and creates variables for the following properties: height, width, and stableHeight.

import { bindViewportCSSVars, initViewport } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const vp = await initViewport();


By default, this function creates global CSS variables with the names --tg-viewport-height, --tg-viewport-width, and --tg-viewport-stable-height. However, the function allows passing a CSS variable name generator, which accepts one of the string values, each responsible for a specific property: width, height, or stable-height.

bindViewportCSSVars(vp, key => {
  switch (key) {
    case 'height':
      return `--viewportHeight`;
    case 'width':
      return `--viewportWidth`;
    case 'stable-height':
      return `--viewportStableHeight`;
      return `--void`;


This function accepts a ThemeParams instance and creates global CSS variables related to the theme parameters.

import { bindThemeParamsCSSVars, initThemeParams } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const tp = initThemeParams();


By default, this function converts ThemeParams instance properties from camel case to kebab case and adds the prefix --tg-theme-. Here is an example of the created variables:

  • --tg-theme-bg-color
  • --tg-theme-secondary-bg-color
  • --tg-theme-accent-text-color
  • etc.

Similar to the bindViewportCSSVars function, it allows passing a CSS variable name generator that accepts ThemeParams instance properties.

bindThemeParamsCSSVars(tp, key => {
  // Converts camel case to kebab case.
  return `--${key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, m => `-${m.toLowerCase()}`)}`;


The bindMiniAppCSSVars function accepts an instance of MiniApp along with a ThemeParams instance, creating global CSS variables related to the MiniApp instance.

import { bindMiniAppCSSVars, initMiniApp, initThemeParams } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const ma = initMiniApp();
const tp = initThemeParams();

bindMiniAppCSSVars(ma, tp);

By default, it creates variables such as --tg-bg-color and --tg-header-color. However, like all other CSS variable binding functions, it allows customizing generated names. The passed generator accepts one of the keys: bg and header, expecting it to return a complete CSS variable name.

bindMiniAppCSSVars(ma, tp, key => {
  switch (key) {
    case 'bg':
      return `--miniAppBg`;
    case 'header':
      return `--miniAppHeader`;
      return `--void`;

Released under the MIT License.